
It’s officially cold and we’re clad in layers. Winter’s timing was spot on this year; the past few days have been icy, clear and fresh – as it should be.

The seasonal rituals in this new house are lovely ones; washing off the line come 4pm and the firewood carried in soon after. Porridge or eggs for breakfast, tea all day and broth in the slow cooker (so much easier than on the stovetop, especially with scatter brain like mine). But whilst we’re relishing in the good, there’s also the inevitable colds and coughs that arrive seemingly on cue. Poet is still snotty and her hearing is significantly bad; after an appointment with the audiologist today we’re off to see an ENT for a specialist opinion. In the meantime I’m doing all I can on the natural front; less dairy, less to no gluten, essential oils, warm kidneys, warm feet, cups of broth and mama cuddles. Today I gave her bedroom a really thorough clean; beds pulled out from the wall, dust vacuumed away (oh, the dust!), soft toys out in the sun ready for a good wash and freshly laundered linen on the bed.

Yesterday my quarterly order from biome arrived and I unpacked it as soon as I got it in the door; beeswax candles, lyra pencils, a keepcup, scrubbing brush, soap and a little something just for me – The Mindfulness Colouring Book (I’m not overly stressed at the moment but anytime is a good time for art therapy). I’ve been making a point of spending more time painting and drawing with Poet instead of setting up her supplies and walking away. I have to work hard at quieting the running list of to-dos that go round-and-round in my head and just focus on her (and the butterflies, flowers, houses and rainbows that she requests – without fail). She turns four in mid-July and I’m thinking a new set of paints may be a timely gift. We have the micador watercolours but I think some acrylics may be a good idea – any suggestions re. brand?

In other news I finally took the plunge and bought a new washing machine. I always procrastinate when it comes to big purchases but I really needed to move on from the 5.5kg 18-year-old top loader that was given to us eight years ago. My new front loader is lovely; there’s quick cycles, handwash options, a mould-resistant seal and an “add a garment” feature (so handy for the run-round-the-house-and-find-random-socks-in-corners rigmarole). It’s pleasing to say the least.

Cold nights, sunny days, happy (albeit snotty) children, a contented baby (although recent bouts of dribbling hint at toothy pegs coming soon – surely not?!). All is good…

Australia’s most borrowed library books
Sharp, witty, eloquent – Helen’s words always resound
I got fresh turmeric (always forget that first r) this week and I plan to make turmeric fire cider

What are you drinking to stay warm? What are you reading (I’m waiting for this to arrive after watching this). Any dairy + gluten free recipes you recommend?

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  • Audrey

    Lovely post. On the gluten / dairy front – I find any cake works with nutlex or olive oil instead of butter & almond or rice milk instead of cow's milk. I prefer almond as it adds a nice flavour. At the moment, my favourite gluten free flour mix (for baking – makes 2 cups) is 1 cup sorghum flour + 1/2 desiccated coconut + 1/2 almond meal. I also like coconut flour or buckwheat but only use 1cup sorghum + 1/2 coconut/buckwheat in that case. For pancakes I use 1/2 cup starch instead of the almond meal as it makes for a nicer texture. Phew! Hope that isn't as confusing to read as it was for me to write!!

  • Vicki Doak

    Yes, winter arrived spot on here too in Victoria. We have spent the first couple of days by the heater, snuggling under blankets and making soup. When I'm not slurping soup I'm having chai tea to keep me warm 🙂

  • Caroline Beeson

    Thanks for sharing. Love posts like these 🙂 I am drinking hot water with lemon and just starting The Girl on The Train. We just bought some oil pastels and they have been a big hit 🙂

  • oscarlucinda

    That Helen G article – argh, she's so great. Heard about it via Annabel Crabb's twitter (I've only started with Twitter – and mainly for work). Have you listened to her podcast with Leigh Sales (Chat10Looks3)? I look for excuses to fold washing or tidy drawers and plug my earphones in whenever a new episode is out. They talk books, tv shows and baking – and it's not all high brow stuff. And they are just a bit funny. Podcasts are keeping me sane at the moment – so convenient for busy mamas …. my mum just handed me Boy, Lost tonight and it sounds remarkable … Happy cosy winter night to you x

  • lili nfolks

    Becoming a gluten and dairy free family (most of the time, and because of Lyme disease) we adapted our cooking towards rice milk, olive oil & almond puree (instead of butter) and rice or millet flour + arrow root in the cakes or in crepes …(for example we adapted the carrot cake recipe: To drink, I love to have an infusion of dried flowers of ibiscus (in Africa it is typically a convalescent drink) … or a decoction of ginger + lemon (boiled a long long time), good for the throat… Hope that helps!!!

  • Sophie Isobel

    Gorgeous post! Love your wintery scenes. Hooray for Biome orders. I miss not living close by, being able to drop into the store was by absolute favourite, I think I'm well over due for another order. I wrote about Winter today too, I've been think a lot lately about winter routines, it's a season I've never really loved (especially here in Victoria) but this year I'm determined to embrace all its beautiful moments. Plenty of tea, homemade broth, lemons and extra warm layers and cosy slippers seem to make for a sweet winter days. Much Love, Sophie x

  • Eleanor Holmes

    I love the sound of your seasonal winter rituals. Changing my routine and habits with nature is something I've always tried to do, but being in the UK it's interesting to see the seasons change the opposite way around for you (we're just entering into summer!). I love the first photo in particular – great capture.

  • Zena

    I just love your posts! They are reminiscent of my home rhythm. Except we had actual snowfall on the first day of winter and all washing is permanently hung around the fire place 24/7 in winter. The Dream Catcher – a soul birds journey colouring book just arrived for me. I'm always setting up crafting projects but never sitting down to do some art myself and it is so therapeutic. As a mother you know we are forever dealing with the cooking, the dishes or laundry. My favourite recipe is the osso bucco one from the Red Tent course and of course chicken stock in everything. My son's eczema has disappeared. You have reminded to order some essentials through my favourite store, Biome.

  • Daniela Pirraglia

    Angela over at Oh She Glows has lots and lots of gluten and dairy free recipes. She also has a (very popular) cookbook out, and her photos are beautiful, she took them all herself. Definitely worth a look!

  • Brook

    Yummy fire cider was a life saver this year and it kept the colds and flu bugs away from the house. AMAZING STUFF!!! We had a fire cider gethering with women around a fire, all adding ingredients to our jars then mixing and burying at home. I hope it keeps you healthy this year! Is that beautiful teacup from biome? love it!

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