taking stock
It feels like the perfect day for taking stock. I’m:
making : plans
cooking : spaghetti with olive oil, garlic and greens
drinking : mineral water with a generous squeeze of lemon
reading : the luminaries and a book on positive affirmations for pregnancy
wanting : to be settled in our new home
playing : email catch-up
deciding : on whether I love this name or that name or maybe this name…
wishing : for Poet’s scar to heal, quickly
enjoying : afternoon naps and early nights
waiting : for an ocean swim
liking : fresh, white sheets
wondering : what it will be like to fall asleep and wake up in a new-to-us house
loving : my bountiful herb garden
pondering : whether this baby is a boy or a girl
considering : a blog hiatus over Christmas and New Year
watching : Take Your Time (filmed by Daniel)
hoping : that Poet’s hearing test goes well
marvelling : at the clutter we have cleared
needing : a sleep-in without having to get ready for school
smelling : summer in the air
wearing : floaty dresses
noticing : my tiredness makes me cranky
knowing : that we’re lucky
thinking : I should probably pack another box
sorting : washing (always)
buying : fresh fruit, sourdough and teabags
getting : all my important documents organised into one folder
bookmarking : zero waste home
disliking : halloween
opening : too many bills
giggling : at what’s to come
feeling : like it’s about time to take a nap
snacking : on red papaya sprinkled with lime juice
coveting : a small collection of things I have gathered for baby
helping : Poet eat noodles
hearing : birdsong
looking : forward
Have a wonderful weekend. And if you would like to take stock, pop over to Pip’s for a blank list.
Thought I commented but must have made a mistake. Feel free to delete this if it is a double up. I just wanted to say what a lovely list this is. I find the succinctness helpful and refreshing! Also appreciating the smell of summer in the air – which I have appreciated all the more taking a break from driving this week and thus more walking and riding. I share your appreciation for red papaya with lime – it makes all the difference. And also dislilking halloween with all of the tacky, nasty, plastic decorations and encouragement for children to demand sweets. Silly. Trying to focus on All Saints Day (Nov 1st ) instead by writing cards to thank people who have been 'saints' in my life. Gratitude cards.
Sometimes succinct is best. And I'm so glad you share my love of red papaya with lime. When we were in Bali last year I would have a papaya, lime and crushed ice juice most days. And now that I'm pregnant it's all I can think about! x
Thank you for the list and the link. I'm currently waiting on the arrival of baby number two and have been much too busy being a cranky pants and writing unnecessary lists. The sun is shining but once I've hung out the washing I'm going to take this list to bed for some much needed self reflection. Hopefully I squeeze in a nap as well. You cannot underestimate the value of a nap to a pregnant woman!
It's a lovely practice in self-reflection, isn't it (I hadn't thought of it like that!) x
Jodi, this absolutely beautiful. Your thoughts are radiant and I am so inspired by this list. Hope you don't mind — I've done my own take of it on my blog: http://p-o-n-d-e-r-i-n-g.blogspot.com.au/2014/10/these-days.html. I credited you, of course. 🙂
Hope these spring (almost summer!) days are bursting with love and joy.
So glad it fuelled your own creativity x
I enjoyed this list, Jodi. Shared my own whilst my sweet baby daughter slept across my lap. Loving motherhood and wishing you good health during your pregnancy xxx
Thank you, Bella. I'm so incredibly happy that little Love arrived safely and is growing beautifully x
So many things to comment on but i'll pick just one. I borrowed Zero Waste Home from the library, it's a great read-it really makes you think hard about your choices.
I'll have to borrow it…very keen to read x
I love the minimal feel to the post, the way it asks us to pare down our day to the bare essentials. I've also read and enjoyed some of your other posts, and I'll be following you from now on.
Thank you! x
I always love reading your posts, they are so minimal yet full of natural feel and real life connections! So going to think more and take stock of things in real life!
Ritz xx
I love this idea I love this idea of taking stock. I am actually working on mine at the moment ready for publishing today. Love the simplicity of your answers. V x