the work of motherhood

I write this from bed where Percy lays beside me, purring. I’ve just replied to a few emails, albeit one week late because time is precious and so much has to happen before I can sit down and open the laptop. I know that it won’t always be like this but now, today, this week, this month, emails must wait.

While I go about my days….walking Percy in the pram, hanging washing on the line, adding a log to the fire, stirring porridge, calming quarrels, cooking dinner…I think about the work of motherhood – no one really talks about that when you’re pregnant for the first time, do they? Yes, they talk about the busyness of life with a baby but somehow, everyone skips the bit about housework…the things that need to happen for the family before you can sit down and reply to emails. And regardless of the fact that you may have grown up watching your own muma do that work, you only really, truly, realise the depth of it when you are doing it yourself.

The work of motherhood (or parenthood) is cyclical; it’s hard to decipher the beginning and almost impossible to imagine the end. It is relentless and monotonous. And yet it’s all very necessary. Last week a friend of mine asked me what it’s really like to have three children and whilst it’s nowhere near as hard as I though it would be, it is most definitely busy. I rise at 6 and go to bed at 10 and there are always chores left undone.

Right now my hands are dry, my nails are chipped and my hair is falling out in handfuls. I am well but a little weary and I carry moisturiser in my bag in the hope that I’ll find a few minutes to apply it. Yes, my head is full of lists and my hands are always busy.

But my heart is full and happy.

photo : lamb & fox | me…soft and curvy in this stage of new motherhood

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  • Bron Maxabella

    It's a cycle that we just get on with, knowing that NOT doing it is far worse than the doing. Take care of yourself. x

    • Bekka Joy

      Bron you're so right… it's the NOT doing it consequences that often keep me going!! 🙂 x

  • Denise Christ

    you are more than right! For me this part of my life is like therapy – I learned to focus, because I have to do the work even with only 2 hours sleep … keep up the good work!

    • litalitapumpkineater

      Yep 🙂 Two hours if we're lucky haha. I don't know how my great Nana did it all pre- convenient technology, and with 7 kids!! She is still trouping on at 98!

  • litalitapumpkineater

    🙂 I have three children too. Reading your words is a luxury I'm glad I indulged in 😉 troupe on Mumma

  • Reply

    Such a beautiful shot of you both. Yes, endless housework is a very well kept secret of motherhood! xx

  • Bekka Joy

    Love following your instafeed… it's definitely the part you're not told about… and it's a necessary reality to keep your home going. Three small children is definitely busy but as the months go on you do find those little moments xx Take care

  • Mummy Limited

    I've been thinking about this a lot too. The mothering is the but I love, the drudging that goes with it is harder. I've come to the conclusion as well that mothering leaves a lot of time for thinking of the things you need to do but can't. Whenever I'm trying to get my 17mo to sleep, I'm thinking of the chores and the emails. It can be frustrating, but sometimes like this evening, I leave the post dinner tidy up and sit with them while they watch a quick TV programme and let the baby throw herself to me over and over again. Nappy-free and giggling.

  • Brittany

    Ahh…thanks for this Jodi, much needed wisdom.

  • Audrey Allure

    Aw, sounds like a lot but so worth it. Hope you're able to enjoy some "me" time when you can!

    – Audrey Allure

  • momentsandmiscellany

    It always baffles me, the sheer amount of it and how we work and work and work, but the work is never done. One day, it will be done. In the meantime, we just do our best and hope for the best!

  • Brandi

    Just beautiful!

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