
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.” Che: warming himself in the sun, giggling uncontrollably as I tickle his belly (with my toes). Poet: a special ice-cream [...]


“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.” Che: tired, exhausted and hot but still, the fairy lights intrigue. Poet: standing in my childhood bedroom, admiring [...]

10 more breaths

Every Wednesday night I go to a yoga class – it’s my mid-week reprieve, an opportunity to find space, rediscover patience and gain perspective. To begin my practice I lay with my legs [...]


“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.” Che: goodness, what a masculine stance.  Poet: on tip-toes as she looks out the window.   I’m getting a little [...]

early mornings

a refreshing sea palette; just what I need right now I’ve been talking about working from home a lot lately. People seem interested to know what it’s like and I admit, most presume [...]

gift giving at Christmas

Living a less-distracted life : observe your children at this busy time and respect that Christmas is both magical and overwhelming for them. My children are usually quite difficult on Christmas [...]