At 5.43 this morning my little boy stroked my cheek and wished me a happy birthday. He snuggled up beside me, his cold limbs curled into my warmth and we lay there dozing for a few minutes before [...]

brown paper packages

…are best when they’re tied with up with string (go on, sing it, I know you want to). The parcel delivery man has been on our doorstep rather frequently of late as I get all the [...]

tiny dancer

Poet attended her first wedding on Saturday night. The verdict? She likes to party. Seriously party. She even thought she was important enough to hang out at the bridal table for a while there, [...]

p is for party

Friday morning 6.30am: “Mum is it my birthday today?” 6.31am (after I nudged Daniel to wake up): “Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to YOU!” 6.33am: Che stands up, [...]

happiest day…

Daniel Grey! My love turned 30 today (actually, he turned 33 but he likes to say 30 so we’ll just go along with that). He woke to handmade cards and camera gear wrapped in a “che [...]

eggy goodness

We rose early, to the excited squeals of the little one who found mini chocolate eggs scattered on the rug. Then we spent the day painting and hunting them and came home with a big bag of [...]

all snug and cosy…

and warm inside. That’s how I felt after my birthday weekend. Daniel went out early on Saturday morning to photograph the sunrise and came home with a bunch of flowers and a paper bag full [...]

bump: birthday belly

25 weeks pregnant and 27 years old. My Mum and Dad hosted a little birthday party for me complete with balloons and a hearty meal of roast beef and Yorkshire puddings (in celebration of my birth [...]


Yesterday was typically Australian in every way. It was hot, hot, hot, we sat around a BBQ for dinner and we celebrated with beer and cheesecake (no beer for me). It was also my dad’s [...]