
Bhakti is a sanskrit word meaning devotion or love In the growing, birthing and raising of our children we are challenged and we surrender. We devote ourselves to these little beings that came [...]

where do the days go?

I disappeared for a while, I know. The last week or so has been hectic. Ché’s Ommi went to Bali to assist Shiva Rea in a teaching workshop and I got to look after the studio. Yes I was [...]

my days have been sweet

…with peek-a-boo, fruit bowl antics and the bliss of autumn sunshine. That last pic is my shadow and my dad’s new shed. He made it out of recycled materials. My favourite part is the [...]

i’ve been thinking

And so has he. But while he’s probably daydreaming about why his belly-button exists I’ve been thinking about all the comments on my birth post. Thank you so much beautiful mothers. [...]

it’s all about the bike

Oh radio flyer. Love the primary colours and the fact that I can steer the bike while he rides. Without fail when we ride across a pedestrian crossing Ché will ring the bell. He’s down with [...]

slightly chaotic

My life has been these past few weeks. Chaotic in a mind-frazzling way. Because I’ve felt a bit of weight on my shoulders from the deadline and my ears have been getting tired at the sounds [...]

hello autumn

How nice that you arrived so promptly. we woke this morning to crisp air and blue sky. and we knew, yes we knew that the seasons they were a changing. that we’d soon have socks on our feet [...]