in a field…

We dreamed of a wrap-around verandah more children a dinner bell tea and cake piles of books incense burning a hammock a home to build, add to, settle in and love. One day. ps. it’s for [...]

ché’s room

A while ago I decided to ditch the newborn neutral colour palette and design a new play space for Ché. He still spends the majority of the night snuggled between us so it’s not necessarily [...]


The focus for my pre-natal classes at the moment is asteya or letting go of greed. Being in the here, the now, not wishing or grasping for the journey to end. Enjoying the present [...]

for the love of

When did your obsession begin? At the moment we have to turn our head when a bus, truck, tractor and, most definitely, a fire engine passes us by. He loves the zoom zoom, clunk, clunk, [...]