kale blooms

There have been two days of sunshine in the last fortnight. The rain is refusing to leave – the ground is soggy, the leaves all squelchy and the bright lush green of moss can be seen [...]

random grey goodness

The grey of winter has rolled in exacerbating the grey/blue light of our home. It’s cold and a little gloomy although surprise post always seems to brighten the mood. Sweet aura joon gifted [...]

as autumn ends

The last few days have been wet and cold and while there are still golden hues attached to the branches it will only take a few more wisps of wind for them to fall. I said to Daniel not long ago [...]

raindrops keep falling

I’m fast learning that just because it’s wet outside it doesn’t mean we have to stay in. I read somewhere recently that there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. [...]