really truly inspired

I’m one of those people who becomes idle when my schedule isn’t full. I say this because right now I am the busiest I’ve been in years. And yet I’m doing things that most [...]

found & delivered

  There’s a new op shop in our street and it belongs to the (new) local church (there are four churches on our road so we always joke that we live in Holy Land). I like church op shops. [...]

fear and love

I’ve decided to stop teaching my Sunday morning hatha class because, well, sometimes “I” need to be priority. I may be old fashioned in thinking that Sunday is rest day, but so [...]

a good mum

When there is grass growing through the peg basket it’s a sure sign of neglect. I’m ok with that. What I find most difficult about being a mum is guilt. There is such a thing as [...]

the space he needs

I like the process of looking over the day through photographs. Of seeing things so easily missed by the busy wandering eyes of a muma. Another day and another challenging toddler. But just now [...]