che che turns 3

Last night I told Che that three years ago I had pains in my belly and I knew he was coming. Daniel told him I was making noises like: “oohhh, ooohhhh, ooohhh”. When we had family and [...]

from the farm: detail

Where photo opportunities abound. Chickens lay eggs in the hay stack, strawberries are picked from a nearby farm and lemons fall to the ground from an abundant citrus tree. The cherry tomatoes [...]

from the farm: alive

In retrospect what I enjoyed most about our time away was the opportunity to press ‘pause.’ It felt like our everyday life was whirring by without the opportunity for stillness, quiet [...]

engagement shoot

The Rummeys came to visit on Thursday and we had fun running in and out of gardens in my street. Although we’ve been engaged for close to three years we have never really celebrated it [...]

like bees

…busy we are. It seems that everything is speeding up and it’s easy to get in a whirlwind. We travel north next week for a little Spring break and I’ve got stories to write, [...]


You know it’s Spring when you spend the better part of a Saturday afternoon wandering around the aisles of Bunnings. The boys were ecstatic when I suggested the excursion and Che only [...]

my answer

‘Tomorrow’ became the end of the week. Time is flying by and the busyness of Spring is intoxicating. Che just put liquid soap on my toothbrush and brushed hs teeth. And swallowed it. [...]