
At playgroup this morning all of us mums were commenting on the sense of urgency that seems to be creeping into out lives right now. We’re all feeling the rush of festivities a little early [...]

spring fair

Sunday was spring in all her glory – blue cloudless skies and warm, bright, white sunshine. We wandered down the road to the local school and spent a few hours at the fair; rides, good [...]


This morning was completely enjoyable. Peaceful even. This evening has been everything but. I understand opposites and how they work. Sometimes I don’t understand my three-year-old. [...]

taking photos

I always blush when I get an email that compliments my photography. I consider myself an absolute amateur and by no means should I be giving anyone else advice on how to take photos. But…a [...]


A grey long weekend with heavy rain at night and pockets of sunshine in the day. The beach-side Farmer’s Market on Sunday morning was brimming with umbrellas, gumboots and French market [...]