
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2012.” From behind, from above. Che: Sooking on a tree stump. “I want to be alone.” Poet: Sorting out the washing. [...]


Yesterday my Dad turned 60 which means he’s officially in “popa-land.” Like most Grandparents he is now eligible for a seniors card which gets him a train ticket to the city [...]


“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2012.” This week, portraits of the every day. Che: I often find him on his bed in the day – quiet time with books. [...]

first day, second year

I wasn’t nearly as emotional as last year, but as I drove him to Montessori I did start thinking about next year. Next year he’ll wear a uniform, meet new friends, have a new teacher, [...]

eye check

So it turns out that Che isn’t one of those children that has a fear of medical appointments. Last year when we took him to the dentist, he was pretty excited. Earlier this week, when we [...]

cheesymite anyone?

I fondly remember eating cheese and vegemite sandwiches at school. It must be the Australian school lunch staple! I often send the same sandwich with Che to Montessori (on rye and accompanied by [...]


“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2012.” Summer inspired snap-shots to capture the essence of the season. Che: “Watermelon, watermelon, I love you love [...]

we live near the ocean

We count ourselves pretty lucky to live up the hill from this little spot. We aren’t all-day beach-goers (my fair skin isn’t particularly suited to this summer sun) but we like to go [...]


Georgia inspired me to take a photo every day this year. That’s 366 photos (more, actually, because one photo is never enough). I”ll blog a portrait of the children once a week, hence [...]