are you my mother?

Yes Che, I am your Mother.

He loves books, it must be in the genes. His bookshelf is literally overflowing, It may have something to do with my slight obsession with children’s books and now my perfect excuse to buy them. I once read that a house without books is a home with no soul. Our house has an almighty soul.
I’m also the little one’s Mother too. Mother of two – it’s just dawning on me. The kicks are getting stronger and more frequent, my belly a little bigger, my thoughts a little more geared towards preparing. I’m halfway through now and it scares me that in the amount of time I’ve already been pregnant, I’ll be cradling a newborn in my arms. It’s just going by so fast. And with the days and weeks that pass in a mere flash I’m also conscious of celebrating this time and this pregnancy. The growing of new life. Because it really is such a wonderful thing.
We had our second and final ultrasound last week and while we didn’t want to find out the sex (the surprise is just too precious, the wondering so entertaining) it would have been very obvious at one point when the pelvis and thighs were in full view. So did we see? No, buba’s hands were crossed over its genitals. It didn’t want us to know. I love that. I love you buba.
Ps. Congratulations to Dana who won the abi and joseph headband giveaway. And blessings for the imminent birth of your first baby.
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  • Dana

    Thank you! I´m so exited and happy I won! <3 <3 <3

  • Melanie Reller

    I grew up with this book. It's such a wonderful book.

    My family had a joke that paralleled it. We said that Dad has his own book and called it "Will you be my friend?" Because my dad just has to make friends with everyone he meets… no matter how different from him they are.

    Thanks for sparking the memory.

  • Kristi

    one of my favourite things to purchase are children's books. i had to empty a closet and now that is their library. shelfs and shelfs. sometimes i wonder if i should be embarrassed by it. you should share a few of your favs, i bet you have some good ones.


    Ohhh, I completely get where you're coming from! I'm pregnant with Bub #2 as well (15 weeks tomorrow) and am slightly freaked out at th ethought of being mother to two. Two?? I'm still reeling from my first pregnancy! 😉

    Found you through Rummy Bears.
    Jess –

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