teething pains

Forgive me for I was wrong…teething really is serious business. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, mothering the third time ’round continues to surprise me. You see, [...]

today you are one

Percy, One year around the sun and here we are. You arrived at 8:43am after a long few days of waiting and swaying and squatting and crying. This morning as I sung you happy birthday I remembered [...]

finding my feet

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that around the same time that your baby starts to walk around furniture and stand on his own, you find your feet again. Regardless of how many [...]


Just this week Percy started commando crawling, he waved goodbye to Daniel and when I asked him for a kiss he pulled my face towards his and sucked my nose. Baby’s getting big. I was [...]

a simple nappy bag

…which is more of a pouch, come to think of it. Fact: I ditched the official nappy bag after my first baby. Granted I never use a pump and therefore don’t need to carry bottles so my [...]