kumquats & chilli

But not together. Home-grown flavour and colour to add a little bright around the house. It’s so blustery today, the perfect weather for staying in and cuddling under a blanket. Ché’s [...]

ché’s room

A while ago I decided to ditch the newborn neutral colour palette and design a new play space for Ché. He still spends the majority of the night snuggled between us so it’s not necessarily [...]


I do enjoy the light cotton of summer dresses. I don’t like my knees – I prefer frills. I wonder if this mirror will ever get hung on the wall. Today is our eighth day of rain. I miss [...]

i deliberated

There have been so many things I’ve found in op-shops that have had a rather cyclical life in my hands. They come into my home, stay a while, return to the op-shop. So now I’m more [...]

i counted the sleeps

Till he came back. I didn’t want to sound like a love-sick puppy so I decided not to mention that he’d gone. He headed to Melbourne for 8 days to watch the tennis…it was the [...]

twig light, star bright

And so a pile of twigs, fallen from gum trees, became stars that hang so beautifully in our window. I like them, I do. All different sizes, the twigs joined with hemp cord, and hung with silver [...]

colour play

Colour and light and all things bright. We are finally crawling out from under the clouds – feeling better and ready to play. And today I watched my little one ‘play’ for the [...]