skincare for pregnancy

The hormonal rollercoaster of pregnancy is often evident on your face. Of course, there are stages where you could refer to the look as “the glow” but the reality is a little less [...]

naming the fourth baby

As we launch into autumn and embrace all the new season has to offer, I’m more conscious than ever of seasonal motherhood; the ebb and flow of energy, my changing shape and the anticipation [...]

baby #4

I’ve been keeping this delightful secret close for a few months now. On our final three days in Bali, three different Balinese women gestured to my belly and asked me about my baby. I [...]

a simple nappy bag

…which is more of a pouch, come to think of it. Fact: I ditched the official nappy bag after my first baby. Granted I never use a pump and therefore don’t need to carry bottles so my [...]

the postpartum body

Alternate title: I think I ate too much cake whilst pregnant. I haven’t really spoken about body changes and weight fluctuations in this space before. But now seems as good a time as any to [...]

brand new mother

Dear Jodi, …..I recently became a new mum to a beautiful boy. He is seven months now and feeding so well. Our birth was traumatic to be blunt. Inducement – 18 hour labour – him [...]