’round here

The second week of the school holidays is almost done and I’ve been thankful for the downtime. That said, a return to routine will be much appreciated. I’ve done about twenty loads of [...]

sun’s back

After weeks and weeks of heavy cloud and persistent rain, the sun has returned. My washing line is heaving and I’m finding much pleasure in the fact that all those toddler stains are being [...]

a weekend in the city

It had been far too long between getaways! This past weekend Daniel and I headed to the city – sans kids (not counting the 24-weeker who came along for the ride). Despite our best [...]

is school over yet?

We are creeping towards the finishing line and we aren’t doing it gracefully. I pulled up to Che’s school gate this morning a good five minutes late, expecting to be the only mum [...]

go to the sea

As soon as we got home this afternoon I announced we were going to the beach. Granted, it would have been easier to stay at home and move through the daily routine of homework, dinner prep and [...]