Many moons ago, not long after we had started travelling, I received an email from two sisters – Sarah and Emma – who had been following my blog for years. “Hi,” they said. “We feel like we know you and we’d love to to stay in our holiday home, if you’d like. It’s a little cottage by the sea and there’s a hot shower and a warm bath, lovely linens on the beds and books and toys for the kids.”
And so began a conversation that turned into a newfound friendship.
There’s been so many times over the past 11 or so years of blogging when I’ve questioned why I put so much time and effort into it (especially over the past few years when readers have dwindled and everyone has gone to and very much stayed on instagram). And yet there’s always reassurance and encouragement – in one form or another – and this email was one of them. A gift from two readers to a writer; a house for weary travellers to settle in. A thank you.

After three weeks in The Red Centre we made our way to the Yorke Peninsula where the green and blue almost hurt our dusty desert eyes. It’s an exquisite part of the country; dotted with small towns and canola fields, rolling green hills and stone walls. It’s windy and wild, there’s sea spray in the air and emus on the road.
At the very bottom of the coast is a tiny town called Marion Bay and in a quiet street not far from the ocean sits My Sister & The Sea. It’s a Swedish-inspired shack brimming with vintage vignettes and gathered ephemera; a labour of love and a salty salve. It’s a house that welcomes you and holds you tight and you’ll think about it long after you leave.
We arrived in a cloud of red dust – a pile of dirty clothes and weary minds – and we sank into this little white shack and literally exhaled. By evening the fire was lit, dinner was bubbling on the stovetop and the kids were all fresh and new after swimming in the bubble bath. It felt like coming home.

Over the following days we settled in and didn’t leave. We drank coffee from beautiful handmade cups, warmed our bare feet in the sun and when the southerly blew in, we edged closer to the fire for afternoon naps and quiet reading sessions. The resident magpie joined us everyday and ate dropped crumbs from the floor while the kids played, rode their bikes and caught up on school work.
And whenever I had to wander from one room to the next, I’d stop and notice a little detail previously unseen. Because that’s the thing about My Sister & The Sea; each corner, shelf and wall hanging has been artfully curated to tell a story. It’s a tale of sister bowerbirds, family heirlooms and new beginnings.

It’s the place to go if you need to get away from the noise and sink into some contemplative quiet. It’s the ideal space for a celebration or reconnection, a creative endeavour or a big life change. It’s a house deserved of a place in an iconic Australian novel brimming with small town quirk and sea songs.
It’s one of my favourite places and I can’t wait to get back there someday soon.
Head to My Sister & The Sea for all the info and inspiration you need. Follow Sarah and Emma at @readandhall and @mysisterandthesea and read a bit more about the house over at The Design Files
I’m really enjoying following your blog Jodie and sometimes actually feel like I’m there with you.
Thank you, Liz x
The more I read about this little treasure the more I want to go there! Beautifully captured as always, thanks Jodi x
It’s a special place, made with love. You would never regret going x
I’m one who left your blog about 5 years ago when I returned to work full time after numerous years of blissful maternity leave and part time teaching post babies. Somehow, last week, I felt compelled to look up all of my old favourite bloggers – yours, bearded pigeon, Meet me at Mikes and Foxes lane. I have since started following you on IG, and I, yet again, feel absolute joy when I read of your pondering and family adventures, in particular how much you are enjoying South Australia. I hope you can make it to stay at Mambray Creek camp site on the southern Flinders Ranges, goannas roam and tadpoles fill the drying up creek beds. When there make sure you take a drive to Melrose and see Alligator Gorge – make sure you walk all the way down to the bottom, super special gem of a place which o only discovered a few weeks ago. Stunning.
Thank you 😊
Goodness, what good blogging company I keep! We absolutely adored SA but we’re back in Vic now and on our way to Melbourne in preparation for a 4-month summer in Tasmania (which, let’s face it, probably won’t be that summery!). Thank you so much for coming back here 🙂 x
It looks gorgeous and the connection is one to treasure. I too wonder at whether a blog is something to continue with. I have so little time for it now, but still whip through and read all my favourites – at least those who have continued – and though I too am a convert to Instagram, it’s not quite the same, is it?
No, it’s not quite the same. There’s a lot of loud distractions on instagram…I suppose this is my reason for continuing here, to create something to treasure that is perhaps a bit more permanent and heartfelt x