illegal homebirth

I’m so saddened by news that the Australian Federal Government plan to make home birth illegal. From July 2010 midwives who work outside of hospitals and birthing centres will be excluded [...]


Bhakti is a sanskrit word meaning devotion or love In the growing, birthing and raising of our children we are challenged and we surrender. We devote ourselves to these little beings that came [...]

i’ve been thinking

And so has he. But while he’s probably daydreaming about why his belly-button exists I’ve been thinking about all the comments on my birth post. Thank you so much beautiful mothers. [...]

i love it anyway

In a drawer we found an undeveloped holga film. Always exciting. What did we take pictures of? How long ago did we use it? Holgas are a bit hit-and-miss … you don’t have any control [...]

party time

I’m organising a birthday party for Ché. I admit that it’s probably more for my amusement than his. I know that he’ll enjoy the balloons and sweet treats but in creating this [...]

blessing bracelets

When I was 32 weeks pregnant I invited the women in my life to participate in a blessing way for my upcoming birth. We joined hands and stood in a circle, honouring the connection created between [...]